Monday 1 August 2011

Sample survey design and analysis

A survey is basically done on a huge number of populations to prepare a statistical data of something. A population may be a group of people in a business organization, in households or even certain parts of equipments. Survey always precedes a detailed analysis of anything. By collecting people’s opinions, the person prepares a sample analysis to be evaluated later. A survey can be designed in variety of methods depending on the choice of the researcher. One may opt for a face-to-face interview, or may go for postal interviews. Web questionnaires, telephone and E-mail questionnaires are also other options that one may seek for. 

It very much depends on the target population as to how a question should be designed. Whether it should complex, ambiguous, vague, should it include embarrassing questions, hypothetical questions or questions regarding their choices? The sample analysis should be done on a scale and one should have the discretion to agree or disagree to it. The questionnaire should be done by keeping similar types of questions and factual questions together. A sample analysis is made to reduce the risk of any faults. The researchers infer a lot of facts about the opinion of the mass form these surveys.  

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